AllianceBlock introduces: "The Wisdom of Crowds" app
There’s been a lack of trust in cryptocurrencies and cryptocurrencies influencers… So we built a new AI framework to legitamize… you!
Build your reputation, and rank yourself against other crypto enthusiasts on the ‘Wisdom of Crowds’ app, all while being rewarded.
The Wisdom of Crowds is the initial phase of AllianceBlock’s Augmented Collective Intelligence Framework.
There are 8 levels of reputation. You start as a shrimp and grow into a crab, octopus, fish, dolphin, shark, orca, all the way to the whale.
Do you have what it takes to be a whale?
Why this game?
AllianceBlock is implementing a Decentralized Finance model on the principles of participative capitalism by shifting the functions of validation, rating and governance from centralised entities to the collective input participants (members) of the ecosystem.
Our Augmented Collective Intelligence framework is one of the technological pillars of our DeFi ecosystem. One of its many uses will be the calculation of a Reputation Score for the various participants; this reputation score allows an effective rating of the participants, while defining each participant’s influence on the decision-making process in the ecosystem. The engine underneath the game application that we are presenting here, is the first building block of our Augmented Collective Intelligence Framework.
What is the objective of this game?
Every participant or member of the ecosystem should have a say in decisions proportionate to his reputation. This reputation is not based on a few variables (like how big your portfolio is, your media appearances etc…), but on multiple variables that lead to the most relevant members having the highest reputation and therefore the largest impact on the decision making. This requires a much different approach when compared to a centralised planning, where decisions influenced by a few tend to have a disproportionate impact on the many. We believe that a primary challenge of designing and implementing an effective DeFi ecosystem is to enable an automated and intelligent way of capturing, reflecting and rating the individual preferences, decisions and behaviour of all participants. In other words, building a decentralized decision making framework.
And this is our first step in accomplishing this objective.
How to obtain the game?
Sign up here to become a BETA-tester: registration form. You can sign up until the 1st of October 2019.
We will contact you on the 2nd of October to announce the official release and provide you with further instructions to download the app (starting the 3rd of October).
The first 200 submissions with an iPhone will be able to BETA-test the app through TestFlight. Between the 10th & 17th of October, the app will be released for Android devices as well, for an additional amount of BETA-testers.
After a yet to be announced BETA-testing period, the app will be released to the public on both the App Store and Google Play.
How to play?
During the initial phase, the app will not be available on any app store. You can check out for release information and download links. Or simply join our announcement channel
Until then, follow the instructions above under "How to obtain the game?".
In order to register an account, you will need a referral code, which we will provide you with if you are one of the BETA-testers. This also means you will be one of the first players to start referring people to the app and hence, receive a higher reward.
If you are not one of the BETA-testers, you will have to find somebody that already has an account and ask for their referral code.
Referral codes are useful, after you have created your account, you will have your own referral code. Each time you share your code with somebody and they register an account using your code, you will receive extra WISE-tokens.
And it gets even better, each time they refer somebody using their own code, you would still get some WISE-tokens for that referral!
The game is played using our WISE-tokens. In the future WISE-tokens can be swapped for ALC-tokens. More information (swap rate and date) will be released at a later stage.
When registering an account, you need to provide your Telegram username (without the @). Be sure to include your actual username, you will need to activate your account through our Telegram bot. Just follow the instructions in the email you will receive after your registration in order to activate your account. Once done, you can immediately login, go through the onboarding process and setup your wallet.
In order to tailor your reputation building process, we provide an easy onboarding procedure where we ask you a couple of questions. It's completely optional, feel free to skip this process. In case you do decide to go through our onboarding process, you will be rewarded with 200 additional WISE-tokens.
The Wisdom of Crowds uses blockchain. WISE-tokens are distributed on the Ethereum network and WISE is needed in order to be able to play. To help you out, 100 WISE tokens will be airdropped to your newly generated wallet once you have setup your account so that you can start playing! Currently, the app is running on the Ethereum Görli testnet. Don't worry, in order to pay for GAS, we airdrop some GÖETH to help you out as well.
You can have the app help you generate a new wallet for you, or import an existing one through a mnemonic phrase. You can secure your wallet's private key on your device with a password and a biometric input (fingerprint or face ID).
Make sure to secure the mnemonic phrase in its entirety though, your private key will only be stored on your device, we will never be able to recover your wallet for you!
Every week a new game will become available (during the BETA-testing phase, every two days). Each game consists of 10 immediately playable projects and 10 unlockable projects.
Background information about our data
When we speak about projects, we speak about blockchain/crypto/dApp projects. In order to have a set of playable projects, we need data about these projects. Since nearly 6000 crypto projects have been created in the past couple of years, (of which most are obscure) we can’t possibly reliably enter this data manually. Fortunately, this data can be collected and combined from several sources.
Since by far most of those nearly 6000 crypto projects are unknown to the general public or currently not trading (anymore), we needed to build a classification system that can help us make a fair selection of projects so that there is a good balance between well known projects, know projects, lesser known projects and even obscure projects.
The classification system we have implemented takes several data points (obtained through several APIs and even HTML scraping) into account, like price history, market cap, exchange listings, whether it’s currently trading or not and the current change from ATH.
Finally we end up with four categories. Each weekly game consists of 20 projects, 10 directly playable, and 10 locked. Each category will be composed of 5 projects spread out over directly playable and locked projects. This ensures that for each game there are at least a few well known projects to keep the games interesting for the general user.
Playing a project
When a user is logged in, they will be redirected to their dashboard.
The dashboard contains a list of projects from the current (weekly) game. In order to play an unlocked project, they need to simply select any item from the list. A brief explanation of the rules are given and the user is asked to unlock their wallet through a password or biometric input.
At the beginning of each new project, the user has to stake tokens (WISE), of which the minimum is set proportional to their current level (shrimp, crab, whale, etc.). Once a project is won, these tokens are returned and the player also receives an additional reward. Leaving high quality feedback in the open-ended question will yield a higher reward. There is maximum amount of time allocated per question, after that time runs out the answer is automaticalled set to “incorrect”. Blockchain technology is used to stake those tokens and distribute rewards.
The first question is a warm up question: what is the ticker of the project shown (with logo)? With ticker we mean, their trading/token ticker (Bitcon: BTC, Ethereum: ETH, etc.).
The second question might be more difficult: what kind of project is it? Is it an infrastructure? A dApp? Or maybe a protocol? When dApp or Protocol is selected as an answer, a follow up question is asked.
Answering both of these questions wrong, results in loosing your tokens and might even result in a negative effect on your reputation and level (shrimp, crab, etc.). Answering at least one question correctly results in, at the least, getting your staked tokens back. Answering both questions correctly will give you a higher reward.
The core of the game and most important part is the answer to the open-ended question, which will be visible if at least one question is answered correctly. This written answer will be processed by our AI and help determine the growth of the user’s reputation while helping us build the foundation of our Augmented Collective Intelligence. The more thorough the user’s feedback is, the higher his potential reward.
Last but not least, users can access a bonus round, where they can rate (from 1 to 10) different business indicators related to the project. This will also help determine the user’s eventual reward.
Unlockable projects
In order to unlock the 10 bonus projects, you need to win 5 of the immediately playable projects.
Skipping a project
Before being able to start a game, you need to stake tokens. The amount of staked tokens is equivalent to the amount you minimally need to put down in order to play, but for all unlocked projects (always 10) at once. Those tokens will be returned once you play a project, wether you win or loose. Really don’t want to play a project? You can skip it. Be aware though, this will result in loosing the minimal amount you need to put down for that project.
Game flow
What's next?
In the near future you can expect:
- The release of our technical paper
- Decentralized messaging
- Decentralized ID (DID) for authentication (using Elastos)
- Support for audio and multiple languages
- Implementation of the User Centric Network (using Holochain)
- Possibility to swap your tokens between Binance Chain and Ethereum (already in testing) and support for more chains (using Overledger)
- Community member can bring a new project to the app
- Startups, either early stage or growth stage, can choose to showcase their project to the community and get the community to assess them instead of traditional early stage rating websites.
Or to summarize, your reputation score will be a big deal:
Members of the community will have reputation scores, and their assessment will be weighted by this reputation score. Hence, those who earned the highest reputation, will have a bigger weight on the project’s rating while diversity of opinion will always be taken into account.
Join us on Telegram
Join our Telegram channel to ask any questions you have about the game and discuss it with us and the community.