For the last few weeks our development team has been frantically working on the migration to Lambda functions on AWS. We are immediately taking the opportunity to also improve the following aspects at the same time:
- Code documentation (automatically generated), so that developers understand each other's work better
- Cleaner and fewer repositories, to have a more developer friendly environment
- More unit tests, to minimalize the risk of bugs
- No single point of failure, so that updates in production cannot lead to downtime
- Improved security on certain "endpoints", to be protected against breaches
These points were taking in account since the beginning of the development of the portal, but as you move on, you see points of improvement. We identified those points now, we have found a better way and we are implementing it now while implementing Lambda functions.
Why do we do this again?
Using Lambda functions will help us to avoid using actual servers, thus allowing us to scale infinitely. Which means, that when we have that hugely hyped project listed on our platform that thousands of people would like to participate in at the same, it's actually going to be possible and not stress the system like virtually every other website out there. In the end it results in a great experience for every user. We will be ready for any major new bull run!
Usability Group
In order for us to be sure we have a portal that fits the community, we will need the community.
Are you interested to join a private Telegram group of maximum 10 members where the look, feel and functionality of the portal can be openly discussed directly with the developers and your input will constantly be taken seriously? Then do continue reading…
You don't need to be expert in a certain field, we would like to aim for as much diversity as possible. The only common quality we are looking for is an interest in investing.
- You will be the first to know about new features and be able to see them before anybody else
- Be able to provide feedback for new features, like: look, feel, behaviour, and functionality
- You will be able test out new features and be able to share us your thoughts about what the community needs
- Be able to share completely new ideas with a direct line with the developers, be able to ask questions and get to know more about our development process
If interested, shoot an e-mail to For now we will only accept a maximum of 10 participant, so don't wait too long!
What has been done?
As mentioned before, most development effort has been going towards serverless development, but we have also finished other tasks, like:
- A redesigned piechart in portfolio
- BUG: download private key issues fixed
- Implemented a better status of the investment status of projects
- Implemented a better status of own investment per project
- Added feedback when reminding someone of a friendship request
- Added status information about pending friendship request
- BUG: fixed a minor validation error when creating a new Token Swap offer
- Added logo's to token transfer screen (accessible from Smart Wallet page)
- Added private key validation to password reset page
- BUG: layout fixed when inviting friends through automated Gmail contacts process
- BUG: fixed error message in console when searching for other users
- Cleaned up buttons in profile pages so they all have the same style
- Implemented Token Swap GWEI slider
- BUG: fixed "information" icon of Token Swap GWEI slider
P.S. the portal is now also directly accessible from our landing page website (
Bug Bounty
Most submitted issues are solved by now:
If you haven’t checked yet recently, please do so. The Bug Bounty Program is still open, just send an email to An eligible bug will be rewarded with 50–500 ALC tokens and you will be made famous on our development blog!